NDIS Services

Plan Management

plan managementIf you have chosen to be plan-managed, you will have funding for Improved Life Choices in your NDIS Plan.

Plan Management gives you the option of being supported by both NDIS registered and non-registered providers.  Because of this flexibility you have greater choice and control over your support needs

As your Plan Manager, Taylor Made Outcomes will:

  • Use your plans funding to pay for the supports you purchase,
  • Assist you to keep track of your funds,
  • If required help to link you in with supports,
  • Give you access to our client dash board and for real time tracking of your plan budget and spending.
  • Send you a monthly budget report. (see below for an example of what we provide)

As published on the NDIS website, while Plan Managers are not to determine whether supports or services purchased are ‘reasonable and necessary’, they may also be liable to repay any amounts which have not been spent in accordance with an NDIS Plan.

Taylor Made Outcomes may seek additional information / evidence prior to processing a claim against an NDIS Plan to ensure compliance with how the plan was built.

This practice ensures avoidance of any financial risk for us as a business, and reduces potential for participants to be asked to repay funding.


As your plan manager Taylor Made Outcomes will charge your NDIS Plan a monthly administration fee and if your plan is new, a one off set up fee. This funding is located within your Improved Life Choices budget and will be sufficient to cover all Plan Management costs.

Getting started - simply call, email or send a message

Taylor Made Outcomes can then:

1. Provide you with a Service Agreement

2. Develop a Plan Management – Invoicing Information document for you to give to your support providers. Providers can view our information for providers page for more information

3. Create Service Bookings against your plan and build your budget in our secure participant management system

4. Allocate funding against your budget based on Service Agreements you make with your support providers

5. Offer support and guidance on how you can spend your plan

More information about Plan Management can be found on the NDIS Website

All items purchased through the NDIS, need to meet all the reasonable and necessary criteria. At times, the item(s) being requested may appear to be an everyday expense, and so we will need further information.

Information can be provided through a letter of support from a relevant professional, or by the completion of a Checklist for Purchase (provided to you as part of your intake), which identifies that the purchase(s):

  • assist you in the pursuit of your NDIS plan goals
  • assist you to reduce ant disability-related barriers that present you engaging in activities / supports
  • are value for money
  • are likely to be effective and beneficial to you
  • do not replace reasonable expectations of other people in your life in terms of their support to you
  • are most appropriately funded by the NDIS